Additional Salt & Grit Bins in Place

For those who are not aware last week additional salt & grit boxes were delivered to the Adel Woods Estate by WNWHL and at the same time all other boxes were refilled.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank WNWHL for arranging this before the snowfall last Friday.  

As and when the bins become empty it would be appreciated if you could let us know and we’ll try to arrange for them to be refilled depending on stock levels.

Many thanks

5 thoughts on “Additional Salt & Grit Bins in Place

      • Following previous posts today we have just been informed by WNWHL that the caretakers should be out filling up the bins in area hopefully today.

        If we can be of any further help with regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


    • We are sorry you had cause to contact us again about this matter. However, we have been informed by West North West Homes Leeds following our email to them this morning they have left it in the caretaker’s tray asking them to fill up the bins ASAP. The reason for the delay was they had to call a halt yesterday due to the poor weather conditions and are not able to get to their supply of grit due to the access road to the store being on a hill.

      Please note should anyone mention to you about the other 3 grit bins being empty on the estate could you let them know we are aware of this and will be filled at the same time as the one at the entrance to the woods at the back of Adel Wood Gardens.

      If we can be of any further help with regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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