Friends of Adel Woods

Please see below which may be of interest to you.

Sunday 14 August 2-4pm Nature Walk with Leeds Countryside Ranger, Steve Joul: meeting in Old Leo’s car park.

Sunday 25 September 10am-12 noon
Litter Pick: meeting in Old Leo’s car park.

Looking ahead, a Red Kite Talk one evening in October – date to be advised.

For further details see:
or contact:
Roger Gilbert 285 7136

Please share this information with your friends and help keep everyone in the local area informed of what is happening in our community.

One thought on “Friends of Adel Woods

  1. Dear Friends, I and my dogs frequent the woods most days of the year and I was so very concerned by the amount of broken glass bottles around the Crag. I picked up very long shards and a load of rubbish which is also always present. But I was wondering if there are any watch members that patrol their in the evenings. I worry for the safety of all animals and wildlife especially as they wont be able to access a vet unlike pet dogs.


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